Substitute (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 4
There was only one way to tackle this; she’d have to get out. She put on her running shoes, shorts, and a T-shirt and grabbed her keys and iPod as she headed for the door. I’ll have to run it out, she thought, and headed for the street.
Running always cleared her head. But this time she needed to clear more than her head; she needed to get rid of the nagging ache in her groin. She headed for the park near the flat where runners pounded the paths every day. She hit the circuit and found her stride.
She wasn’t very tall, but her legs were long for her body and she had an even, rhythmic stride. She was engrossed in her music and her own footfall. She found the steady motion to the heartbeat of the music, and it calmed her mind. Thud, thud, thud on the asphalt. She wanted to feel free and calm, but the strong, insistent beat of the music and rhythmic pounding of her feet on the floor made the pounding in her pussy even stronger.
It started to rain softly, but she didn’t care; the water felt good on her skin, cooling and healing. She ran for almost an hour and then, exhausted, she made her way back to the flat.
It was Sunday evening and the sun was hanging low in the sky, one of those lazy London days where the city seems to take its rest from the hectic bustle of the week.
She padded softly up the stairs to the flat and let herself in. She caught sight of herself in the mirror; blonde tendrils had escaped from her pony tail and were hanging around her face. Her hair was damp but she was glowing, and the wet hair made her look even sexier. Her blue eyes were clear, betraying no sign of the heaviness she felt.
She went into her newly decorated bedroom. The room needed air; she walked over to the long window and opened it. The glass was draped with soft white voile that shifted lazily in the breeze from the open pane, diffusing the light in the room.
‘Beautiful,’ said a soft voice behind her.
Alexia wheeled around, startled. Richard was leaning against the doorway, arms folded, assessing her.
‘You have a great eye,’ said Richard. ‘This is quite a little love nest!’
‘It’s just a few bits and pieces to make it, you know, cosy,’ protested Alexia.
‘Cosy. Ah, that’s one word for it. Sumptuous. That’s a good word. Inviting, there’s another, but not quite right.’ He thought for a moment. ‘Enveloping … Oh yeah, that’s it. This room could envelop you.’
His mouth caressed the word as his eyes roamed over her. Bedroom eyes, she thought, quite literally. She felt a lurching in the pit of her stomach, and lower down, which surprised her. He was attractive, soft and as laidback as his Southern drawl. Alexia suddenly felt very naked in her flimsy running gear.
He had been leaning against the door; now he stood up suddenly and turned to go into the living room. Alexia felt a surge of regret and relief that he had removed that knowing gaze from her.
‘Romy’s gone out with some guy she met. Glass of wine? Looks like you could use one.’
‘I – er – need a shower,’ Alexia stammered.
‘Sure thing. I’ll have a glass waiting for you when you come out. I’ve made some pasta too; you’ll need it after all that exercise.’
Richard retreated to the kitchen and Alexia breathed out. He was very attractive, and the way he’d looked at her made her unsure whether the dampness in her shorts was all down to rain and sweat.
She jumped into the shower and stood under the spray, letting the warm water wash off the perspiration. As she soaped her body, she kept thinking that Richard was just the other side of the door. Was it time to throw away the little sweet girl? Or was it too soon? She couldn’t just jump on him, could she? Or could she? Her soapy fingers were circling her stomach. And then they started to circle lower, and lower, almost involuntarily. The suds caressed the curls and her middle finger slid slowly and seductively down …
Don’t be silly, she told herself. Just get dressed, have some pasta and a glass of wine and get to bed; you have work tomorrow. Work! Oh yes, there’d be the office tomorrow and work – and Nathan. Her knees felt weak at the thought of having to face him again. She’d spent barely 30 seconds in his presence, but the very thought of him made her head swim.
She came out of the bathroom to find Richard holding two large glasses of red wine. She was wearing a towel which barely skimmed her backside.
‘After you …’ He stood to one side to let her pass.
She didn’t want him walking behind her, she knew he’d be looking at her too-short towel, but she had no choice. She dived towards the bedroom, her towel riding up at the back, exposing the very barest hint of the curve at the top of her thighs. She felt Richard’s eyes burning into her. She knew he was watching. She shut the bedroom door behind her and stood against it, breathing hard, clutching her towel. The silence was broken from the other room.
‘Food’s on the table,’ shouted Richard through the door.
Alexia pulled on her soft, velvety pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt and re-emerged into the living room.
‘I preferred the last two outfits,’ said Richard with a little tone of reproach. ‘Nice T-shirt, though.’
Too late Alexia realised that she’d pulled on a pale pink top which showed only too clearly that her nipples were standing to attention.
‘I’m really tired, Richard. This is really sweet of you, but I think I’ll just have a little pasta and go to bed. I’ve got a big day at work tomorrow and I …’
She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Richard strode over to her and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. It happened so suddenly she had no time to protest. His face was inches from hers; she could smell his masculinity and the warm red wine on his breath.
‘I have never met a woman who needed this more than you do right now.’ His voice was low and warm.
His mouth was on hers. She felt her legs buckle with the sudden rush of pleasure that flooded through her. He was only kissing her, but her belly and her pussy felt as if a sudden rush of water had coursed through them on its way somewhere more urgent. As his kiss deepened, she felt the surge build.
She wasn’t sure why, but she found herself kissing him back, her mouth hungry for his. She felt the need to breathe him in as he kissed her. Her need was sudden and raw, and he felt it.
He pushed her backwards to the wall and their mouths parted. She looked into his lazy brown eyes. They stood motionless for a moment, breathing, watching. He didn’t take his eyes from hers as she felt his hand find its way into her pyjama bottoms. She gasped. His aim was spectacular. With one smooth, silent move, his hand had buried itself in her curls. She wanted to protest, but his mouth was on hers again. His lips were warm and insistent as he kissed gently but deeply, so she felt as if she might only be able to breathe while he was kissing her.
His fingers circled in the soft, downy hair on either side of her sex, but avoided the middle, the place that ached to be probed. His fingers circled round and round, never parting her lips. It was torture. She was breathing hard as his mouth had been on hers without release. She wanted him to touch her, really touch her. Then, without warning, he pressed down and found her clit. A desperate moan escaped from her mouth into his.
There was no hiding from him. She was wet, really, really wet. He had found her out. She did need this, she needed it very badly. He worked her nub with firm, even strokes which matched the rhythm of his moving mouth. Stroke, stroke, stroke … With each one she felt the wetness increase and her need get stronger. She parted her legs slightly and he gave a little laugh. But the laugh broke the moment and suddenly she could see Nathan’s face in front of her. She opened her eyes and saw Richard’s cloudy gaze looking into hers.
She pushed hard against him. She felt his hand yank out of her pyjama bottoms and away from her pussy.
‘No,’ she stammered. ‘I can’t!’
He put both hands up.
‘OK, OK.
He looked at her and saw the confusion in her eyes. He lowered his hands and his voice and spoke very gently.
��m sorry, really, but you looked like you needed …’
‘I can’t … I’m sorry, I – I just can’t. Not right now.’ Alexia felt exposed, scared, turned on and oh so needy. But she couldn’t, she just couldn’t.
‘Hey … I’m real sorry.’ Richard moved to put his arms around her, but she squirmed away. ‘Listen, Alexia, I’m sorry, I overstepped. I’m used to girls who are a little different from you. I know you’ve had a bad time, Romy told me, so I’m sorry … Really.’
He looked genuinely pained. His soft American drawl made him sound sweet and vulnerable. Alexia breathed out. She felt suddenly foolish and petulant.
‘No, it’s OK. You weren’t wrong, I do need …’ She looked down. ‘I need to get my bearings.’
She looked at him and gave a weak smile.
‘Hey, kiddo, I hear ya. Look, just think of me as a friend who’s here to make you feel better, whichever way that is … OK?’
‘OK,’ she said softly.
They stood in silence. Then Richard moved to the table, and she could see the straining bulge in his trousers. The material was stretched tight across his groin. He was being gracious and seemed very in control for a man who was clearly so turned on. Why couldn’t she have that same level of control?
‘Well, the food’s still hot, you need to eat, and I promise, no more moves. Just food, wine, and some friendly conversation.’
‘Thanks, but I’m not really hungry. I’m going to go to bed’
‘OK.’ Richard said, looking slightly crestfallen. ‘Am I forgiven?’
Alexia sighed and smiled at him. ‘Yes, yes, you are.’
He was very attractive. Alexia knew she wanted him and she must have been giving off some pretty strong signals. She didn’t blame him; he was being very sweet. She turned to go into the bedroom and stopped. She looked back at him.
‘When I’m ready, then maybe.’
Alexia smiled at him and he dropped his head and looked back up at her through thick lashes.
‘I’ll be here,’ he said.
Alexia went into the bedroom and closed the door. She turned off the light and climbed into her big bed and pulled the covers up tight. She suddenly felt howlingly lonely. The ache she felt was raw, like an ancient need nagging inside her. But she was too tired and worn to give it what it wanted. She closed her eyes.
When the hideous screech of her alarm clock burst into her consciousness Alexia felt as if she had only just fallen asleep. It was 7 a.m.
It had been a torrid night, with Nathan and Tony’s faces swimming in and out of her consciousness again, now joined by Richard’s face.
She crawled out of bed and went about getting ready for work. Washed, dressed, and with make-up more carefully applied than usual, she could hardly remember the journey to the office. She’d been alone, mercifully. Romy had gone in early to finish a pressing contract.
Alexia sat at her desk in the open-plan office and tried her best to look composed. She felt as if everyone in the company knew something about her; perhaps they’d heard about Tony. But as she studied the faces she realised she was probably just being paranoid.
The morning went past in a blur of typing. It was boring work and she found it hard to concentrate. But the monotony wasn’t to last long. Tony appeared from nowhere and sauntered past her desk like a cat who’s just managed to steal the last bowl of cream in the fridge.
‘Good morning,’ he said. He was almost licking his lips.
She felt her stomach lurch; well, not just her stomach. She was feeling it much lower down.
She glanced up at his retreating figure. He stopped to talk to one of the junior staff, standing with his back to Alexia. His trousers couldn’t hide the muscularity of his arse and legs. As he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, the fabric moulded around the cheeks of his bottom and Alexia felt a squirt in her panties.
‘Hey.’ Romy appeared from nowhere and sat on the end of Alexia’s desk. Alexia flushed. Romy leant forward conspiratorially and whispered, ‘Well you have seen his butt before, only last time it was naked.’
‘Be quiet!’ Alexia hissed.
‘Don’t worry, no one will hear. Oh my God, you’ve gone bright red! Come on.’ She grabbed Alexia’s arm and her handbag. ‘It’s time for lunch, let’s go to Joe’s.’
Joe’s was a little Italian café close to the office. Alexia was whisked along at a cracking pace by Romy and found herself propelled into the corner of the snug little eatery, almost breathless.
‘Right!’ said Romy, rolling up her sleeves. ‘Time for some lessons in office totty.’
‘Romy, please …!’ Alexia’s eyes darted around the room; she was terrified they’d be overheard.
‘I’m not listening. Right, then … Tony is gorgeous, we know this, and there are quite a few shaggable guys in there. I should know, I’ve had two of them. But most of them are fussy beggars because they get loads of women round them at press events. That shouldn’t worry you as they all want to get in your pants!’
‘What? Don’t be silly! They’re not interested in me. They’re really cool towards me. They don’t like me.’
‘You’re the untouchable one, but they all want you. It’s easy to check them out. When they’re being cold, just see what’s going on in their pants. And when they think you aren’t looking, just look back quickly as you walk away and you’ll catch them ogling. You have to pay more attention to the signals.’
‘That’s ridiculous!’
‘I know what I’m talking about. I can see I am going to have to be your new governess and give you a thorough education in men. And as for Tony – he’s gagging for you!’ Romy took an enormous bite of the sandwich that had just arrived. Mayonnaise squirted out onto her lip as if to emphasise the point.
Alexia flushed again and felt wetness in her panties. She wanted to squirm. That ache seemed to have been there since last week, since last Friday night at the party – all weekend, in fact.
But Romy hadn’t finished. ‘And then there’s la balena bianca!’
‘The what?’
Romy’s family was Italian, and she usually broke into her mother tongue when she was being particularly naughty or needed a damned good swear.
‘The white whale, of course. Mister – drum roll, please – Naaaathan Fallon.’
‘Oh stop it!’ said Alexia, nibbling half-heartedly at her own sandwich.
‘Look, I’m his PA,’ said Romy. ‘And he asked about you this morning.
Alexia nearly choked on her bread. Romy knew she’d dropped a bombshell and was playing innocently with the spoon in her coffee, stirring in a slow, suggestive circle, the tiniest trace of a smile dancing on her red-painted lips.
‘What do you mean he asked about me?’ Alexia was panicked.
‘He just asked who the new girl was.’ Romy feigned an innocent air. ‘He doesn’t normally ask when we get someone junior in; he’s too busy to care about staff who come and go. You obviously made quite an impression.’
‘Oh God, that’s what I was afraid of!’
Alexia felt miserable again. She kept seeing his face glowering at her. The face that looked out at her from her laptop screen – dark, unforgiving.
‘Hey, don’t panic,’ said Romy. ‘He didn’t look cross, just …’
She didn’t finish her sentence but sat thinking about it for a moment, keeping Alexia waiting, playing to see if she’d reveal an interest in him.
‘What? What? He looked what?’ pleaded Alexia.
‘Hm, and you’re not interested in him?’ Romy smiled knowingly.
Alexia flushed.
Romy was pleased with herself. ‘He looked intrigued.’ She let the word hang in the air for a moment, floating like a parcel full of possibilities and secrets. ‘Yes, I’d say intrigued. It was like he couldn’t quite figure out what to make of you.’
Alexia sat staring. Romy went back to drinking her coffee. She’d dropped the stone int
o the pond and now she was watching the ripples.
But Alexia was sticking to her story. ‘I’m worried about my job.’
‘Hmm!’ Romy was theatrically unconvinced.
‘I am!’ Alexia insisted.
‘Don’t worry, you’ll keep your job.’
Alexia looked relieved. Romy arched an eyebrow.
‘And you can stop all that whale nonsense, he’s my boss and that’s it.’ Alexia pursed her lips.
‘Who happens to be the one guy in the office – no, in this whole business – every single woman wants to fuck!’
‘Well, he won’t be fucking me!’ said Alexia, a little too loudly, she realised, when several male customers turned to look at her.
‘Oh God, this just keeps getting worse.’ She sank down into her chair, trying to make herself as small as possible.
‘OK. Well, time for your first lesson in learning about men – properly. Back to the office, and this time you are going to pay close attention to whoever is paying close attention to you.’
They went back to the office in silence. Romy was almost skipping along; Alexia just wanted to go back to bed and pull the covers over her head.
They walked through the double glass doors that greeted any visitors to the agency, past the manicured and identically clad receptionists. As they walked down the corridor to the main office, Nathan emerged from the boardroom. Alexia’s stomach gave such a lurch she felt it was almost audible.
‘Nathan,’ said Romy with theatrical breeziness ‘I don’t think you’ve met Alexia … She’s new.’
Nathan regarded Alexia. His cool glance made her legs feel unsteady. He was probably the most magnetic man she’d ever met. Now she had more time to study him she realised what a presence he had. And there was that aftershave again, subtle but oh so sexy. The smell of it sent her right back to Friday night, standing in the boardroom. He looked at her. She felt a clutching feeling in her cunt. It was almost unbearable.
‘Alexia.’ His professional veneer was perfect as he repeated her name. He put out his hand.
He’s going to pretend we haven’t met, thought Alexia. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or just very confused. She put out her hand and he grasped it. The warmth and strength of his fingers sent a warm rush up her arm.